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Supreme Court expresses displeasure on implementation of the PoSH Act

The Supreme Court recently while deciding on the case in AURELIANO FERNANDES Vs STATE OF GOA AND OTHERS laid down directives and guidelines for all employers. It has asked for the judgment to be circulated to all governmental authorities, departments, and ministries with a view to ensure that the required compliances under the POSH Act […]

Zero Tolerance

Zero tolerance is a word found incorporated in each organization’s policy. The question is, How do we achieve it? What is the real challenge in achieving it? The general thinking is if we are compliant & adhere thoroughly to the provisions of The Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) […]

Employers make the change

Tarun Tejpal is one of such judgments that has created a furor! It has led to be a grave miscarriage of justice. A question on how many women would come forward and report cases of sexual harassment and misconduct if shamed in this manner. Do you think such conversations help in bringing a positive change […]

Employers be ethic centric and prevent sexual harasment at workplace

Prevent Sexual harassment at the workplace is one of the focuses now for all organizations. Is it because of the mandate or moral responsibility? Let us try to understand this with reference to a case that has gone unnoticed and unexplored. There were many incidents in the past that were reported but not looked at […]

Will the Internal Committee Members Be Protected?

A PIL has been filed in the Mumbai High Court for protection of IC members. Lets hope that a positive move towards filling the gaps in The Prevention Of Sexual Harrassement of women at Workplace  Act comes forth.  https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/duo-moves-bombay-hc-to-plug-loopholes-in-posh-act-protect-icc-members/story-UvbBpm001kC6nMX1ym3i0H.html

Sensitivity to be displayed towards victim of sexual violence

The Supreme Court judgement by Justice Khanvilkar and Justice Bhat that lays guidelines to  deal with sexual crimes and keep away from the sterotypical and patriarchal notions while delivering orders. https://www.livelaw.in/top-stories/courts-orders-should-avoid-patriarchal-stereotypical-notions-about-women-supreme-court-guidelines-171365 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.